The primary responsibility of the following policies is to prioritize the health & safety of all MBI members, volunteers, & staff.
Emergency Weather Cancellation Guidelines:
Any on-site MBI ensemble director has, in the interest of safety, the authority to cancel any rehearsal/performance. When considering cancellation, that ensemble director must consult with any equipment truck driver or lead truck volunteer participating that day. It is also recommended that the director consult with other executive staff and/or members of the MBI board for liability considerations.
Decisions to change/postpone/cancel performances should incorporate the policies & directives of the governing organization of the event (DCA, DCI, WGI, NSC, MPA etc.)
Rehearsals/travel/performances should be considered for cancellation if any of the following conditions occur either at the performance/rehearsal venue, or in an area that is required to travel through on the way to the rehearsal/performance. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, but examples of scenarios. Ultimately, it is up to the ensemble director’s discretion whether or not to cancel or proceed with rehearsal/travel/performance.
Tornado Watch or Warning
Severe Thunderstorm Watch or Warning
Flash Flood Watch or Warning
Lightning Alert or Severe Lightning
Excessive Heat Watch or Warning
Winter Storm Watch or Warning
Ice Storm Watch or Warning
Non-Emergency Weather Guidelines & Recommendations:
Rain – Performing membership is expected to have rain gear in anticipation of rehearsing in the rain. Educational staff should have access to weather apps so they can monitor developing weather.
Heat – When excessive heat is forecasted, performing membership is expected to take preventative measures (bring water, sunscreen, appropriate clothing etc.) Educational staff must strongly consider reducing rehearsal intensity & length as temperatures approach the excessive heat warning threshold.