Donations are used for many purposes including equipment and uniform expenses, rental of rehearsal facilities, food for weekend camps, housing, travel expenses, instructional and design stipends, home show expenses and scholarships for deserving performers.
Donations keep dues affordable for our members to make sure that finances never stand in the way of a great experience for anyone who wants to participate.
Contributions in the form of cash, one-time or extended credit card pledges, stock, planned giving through trusts or wills, or online giving through Give MN are all welcome at any time throughout the year.
Prefer to mail a check?
Checks are great because there’s no processing fee so your donation goes even further! Make checks out to Minnesota Brass and mail to:
Minnesota Brass
PO Box 7341
St Paul, MN 55107
Amazon Smile
If passive donation is more your style, then you can support Minnesota Brass by shopping on Amazon.
Simply go to smile.amazon.com, set your charitable organization to Minnesota Brass Incorporated, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to MBI at no additional cost to you. To make it easy to remember to use Amazon Smile, you can add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com on your web browser.