This summer the Minnesota Brass Board of Directors contracted with Red House Consulting to gather an independent, objective overview of our stakeholder’s perspectives. They have concluded their work and we are pleased to share their final report with anyone interested in reading their input gathered from focus groups and surveys.
We will host a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday Sept. 26, 2018 at 6:30 p.m., for all those interested in the future of Minnesota Brass. At the meeting, we will review the report and discuss the critical need for alumni and members to step forward in volunteer and leadership roles. The Town Hall meeting will be held at the offices of Olsen-Thielen & Co., 2675 Long Lake Road, Roseville, Minn., 55113.
The stakeholder engagement report outlines many issues facing Minnesota Brass. For some of these, there is clear consensus among our alumni and supporters. For other issues, we do not all agree.
One of the organization’s pressing issues is new leadership. As the report articulates, “MBI’s impending board and administrative leadership transition is a source of concern (where will the leaders come from? Will they have what they need to succeed?) and of opportunity (this is a chance to recruit individuals with the skills, ideas, and energy MBI needs to thrive and survive).” The board has announced plans to hire three new administrative leaders to move the work forward. Applications for these positions are due October 5, 2018. Detailed job descriptions are now available online. (Click the highlighted text to access the job descriptions.)
This new team will ultimately be responsible for creating a shared vision for Minnesota Brass’s next chapter. They have an opportunity to leverage our many strengths as an organization and chart the course for the future. I hope you will consider stepping up to take on one of these roles or encourage talented individuals in your network to do so. Previous experience with Minnesota Brass is not required. For the organization to thrive in 2019 and beyond, we need an energetic, passionate group of leaders who are ready to build the future.
In addition to the new administrative team, we will also be adding new members to the board of directors in the coming months. At the Town Hall meeting, there will be details about how to be considered for membership on the board. The board will have many large issues on its plate in the future and will require strategic thinkers who are able to see the long-term view. We especially need age, gender and racial diversity on our board to better reflect our community.
The opportunity now exists to bring this amazing organization back to the field in 2019. But it will not be accomplished by a small group. Everyone who cares about MBI and its future can take part in a great 2019 season. THIS WON’T WORK WITHOUT YOU!