Minnesota Brass celebrated the 2017 season of the drum corps on Friday evening, November 3. Kirk ‘Tiny’ Fladung received Minnesota Brass’s highest honor, the Brassy, after years of service and participation dating back to 1992. Other major awards included the Caliguiri Award to long-team color guard performer Becci O’Kane and the Lou Raitch Spirit of MBI Award to rookie Bill Ressler. Michelle Jensen was recognized for her outstanding service with the Director’s Appreciation Award.
MBI 2017 Awards
Kirk “Tiny” Fladung
Lou Raitch Spirit of MBI Award-
Bill Ressler
Caliguiri Award-
Becci O’Kane
Directors Appreciation-
Michelle Jensen
Visual Awards-
Rookie of the Year- Alexis Miller
Most Improved- Lydia Larson
Member of the Year- Alex Gray
Hornline Awards-
Rookie of the Year- Bill Ressler
Most Improved- Anna Bialke
Member of the Year- Marissa Moeller
Percussion Awards-
Rookie of the Year- Rachel Skunes
Most Improved- Matt Schmeichel
Member of the Year- Sam Peck
Color guard Awards-
Rookie of the Year- Jenna Schunk
Most Improved- Maddie Rheault
Member of the Year- Dani Lovitz