We get the irony. We really want you to tune into your smart phones today to watch our incredible show lamenting how our online society can reduce human interaction. MBI Winter Guard’s 2016 production, Auto-Correcting Society takes the floor at the WGI St. Louis Regional this afternoon and will be on your phone live!
Here’s how it works. We’ll be using Periscope this afternoon and evening to broadcast the MBI Winter Guard’s performance. Periscope is a Twitter product, so you’ll need to make sure you’re following us there (if you haven’t already). Next, download the free Periscope app if you don’t already have it on your phone. Once you sign in via Twitter, it will automatically let you know when we’re streaming live from St. Louis! The Winter Guard’s prelims performance is scheduled for 3:106p.m. CST. Finals competitions for Independent A Class begin at 8:44. As an added bonus, Periscope videos stick around for 24 hours post-performance, so you can watch again, and again.
Then put your phone away and connect with someone IRL.