After a weekend in Alexandria and Mankato, MN and a full parade day on the 4th of July- the members, staff and fans have taken to Twitter to share our fun on the road, on the field and everywhere in-between. Make sure to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat @minnesotabrass
Checking out at Sam's Club! It takes a lot to feed a full circus! #mbi15 #madcircus #DCA2015 #FAWK #growdrumcorps pic.twitter.com/Uq1hTOV8Yh
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 27, 2015
Waiting to get on the bus #mbi15 #madcircus #mediacrownchallengeaccepted #longhashtags #toomanyhashtags #more #imdone pic.twitter.com/4HtKSTkPi3
— Mark Walentiny (@Hayday28) June 27, 2015
On the road again. #mbi15 #madcircus #longfamilyweekend pic.twitter.com/OYWNUYVlAW
— Anders Rahkola (@AjRahkola) June 27, 2015
On the road… #mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/ocpDMQjMfu
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 27, 2015
"A turf field, means happy performers"~ Confucius #wisewords #madcircus #mbi15 #minnesotabrass #happy #wooooturf!
— David Schuck (@DavoodSchook) June 27, 2015
Diva or peacock? #mbi15 #MADcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/00L2CawcGg
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 27, 2015
This feels like DeKalb…. #mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 27, 2015
Our home for the weekend! #blueskiesandsunshine #mbi15 #madcircus #dca2015 #growdrumcorps pic.twitter.com/8TwZIvyLDX
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 27, 2015
Workin' it! #mbi15 #madcircus #dca2015 #growdrumcorps pic.twitter.com/CUKsj8pJEg
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 27, 2015
Visual warm-up. #mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/wo1GaXxHUQ
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 27, 2015
Alexandria. #mbi15 #MADcircus pic.twitter.com/R0rVY3VQ3U
— Dawn Tunison (@TheMrsTunes) June 27, 2015
Thank you, Minnesota Brass, for giving me the best birthday I could have asked for. #mbi15
— Katie Langer (@katiel627) June 28, 2015
After tonight's indoor performance, I can kinda see why people like this drum corps thing so much! #mbi15
— Katie Langer (@katiel627) June 28, 2015
Tuba stack for bed. #tubaart #mbi15 #madcircus #TUBAS pic.twitter.com/NkMjPOPd7L
— Anders Rahkola (@AjRahkola) June 28, 2015
Duluth represent! #mbi15 #madcircus #dca2015 #growdrumcorps pic.twitter.com/JpLR8eo7nW
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 28, 2015
GOOOOOD MORNING MINNESOTA BRASS FAMILY #mbi15 #mdcircus #showday #iwantthemediacrown #istillhavecharectersleft #54321 pic.twitter.com/li2gcpvT9Q
— Mark Walentiny (@Hayday28) June 28, 2015
"@kubiak_karl: Playing tuba = complete seriousness and no messing around #MBI15 #MadCircus pic.twitter.com/FMFio2F5Kd" we don't have fun here…
— Jess Belcher (@BACymbalChick) June 28, 2015
Parade time! #mbi15 #madcircus pic.twitter.com/ojQd7xznsQ
— em (@sheriffwoodyxo) June 28, 2015
Tiny loves parades!! #mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/lPh8bNdL1q
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 28, 2015
Sunset appreciation water break as we wrap up our weekend in Alexandria and get ready for Mankato. #mbi15 #madcircus pic.twitter.com/EMgmlIVqAm
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 29, 2015
It's School Spirit Day at @MinnesotaBrass! Representing @728Cadets alumni! 🙂 #mbi15 #diddles #BAND pic.twitter.com/E3CG8swh6N
— Jake Esterberg (@JakeEsterberg) June 29, 2015
Another long night in the office. #mbi15 pic.twitter.com/AnoSBFxubc
— ericmolho (@ericmolho) June 29, 2015
Beautiful Sunday Night block in Alexandria! #mbi15 @MinnesotaBrass #NoFilter #ButSeriouslyNotAFilter pic.twitter.com/qfWCejwyPO
— Jake Esterberg (@JakeEsterberg) June 29, 2015
I don't think this can get any better #mbi15 #madcircus #sams #samiam pic.twitter.com/jU8o6nePGW
— Mark Walentiny (@Hayday28) June 29, 2015
MBI starting the day in Alex before heading to Mankato for tonight's show. #mbi15 pic.twitter.com/1yEj52Y7GH
— Mark Santori (@skiumah94) June 29, 2015
Really enjoyed experiencing @MinnesotaBrass after the MN high school marching championships in Alexandria, MN. pic.twitter.com/IOxgS25Ufb
— DrummerJournals (@DrummerJournals) June 29, 2015
And we're off! First official show day! Mankato here we come! #mbi15 #madcircus #dca2015 #growdrumcorps #FAWK
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 29, 2015
Thanks again Alexandria Area High School and marching band for hosting us this weekend! #mbi15 #madcircus #dca2015 pic.twitter.com/ghBtxoMFKT
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 29, 2015
I see the field!!!! #mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/3eRfyICg0j
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 29, 2015
Hornline girls participated in arts and crafts and most important bonding! Highwire Hornline ladies! #mbi15 pic.twitter.com/FKwUnAreMF
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 29, 2015
Tubas are my favorite section (4 minutes early)!! #mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/aqA2tfaLMl
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) June 29, 2015
Great Mankato crowd cheering on the corps after our first judged performance of Mad Circus! #mbi15 #madcircus pic.twitter.com/EB9i27oWVn
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) June 30, 2015
.@MinnesotaBrass gave us beads! Tempted to come back for their show… all the way from Ohio! (: pic.twitter.com/rROwIM44Ew
— ☆LisaK☆ (@LittleContra) June 30, 2015
.@MinnesotaBrass you all are amazing! Great marching AND playing – LOVE your #madCircus! Great take on a really fun theme! ??
— ☆LisaK☆ (@LittleContra) June 30, 2015
@beedawon pic.twitter.com/22aaOft27p
— Craig Myers (@craigmyers222) July 3, 2015
On our way! #mbi15 #madcircus #dca2015 #growdrumcorps #america pic.twitter.com/t25dxwej7S
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) July 4, 2015
Happy Fourth from MBI! #madcircus #dca2015 #growdrumcorps #america #mbi15 pic.twitter.com/1uqeHFZSn3
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) July 4, 2015
Feeling patriotic on Independence Day! #mbi15 #everyonelovesaparade pic.twitter.com/Ob23ANkAFX
— Minnesota Brass (@MinnesotaBrass) July 4, 2015
Mellophones warming up….#mbi15 #madcircus #iwantthemediacrown pic.twitter.com/bFAsYGssCb
— Nancy terry (@NancyTerry13) July 4, 2015